When it comes to wanting round, large and firm breasts, there is no need to be ashamed. For a large number, breasts enhance a woman’s femininity and symbolize beauty. Moreover, the Hollywood influence has given idea to the concept that bigger is better due to which more and more women are after increasing their breast size. Also, they are able to garner a lot of male attention and this is exactly what some women might be after. No matter what your reason, there is absolutely no harm in boosting your cup size. However, it is also a fact that surgical procedures are not everyone’s cup of tea and some just don’t feel comfortable using chemical-filled products that promise miracles.

The good news is that there are some natural ways through which you can increase your breast size. Sure, they might take some time, but these can be effective if you stay consistent and patient. What are they?

Some of these natural ways are highlighted below:

Do the right exercises

Have you ever noticed that women who work out or indulge in body building tend to have smaller breasts? This is mostly because breasts are made up of fatty tissues and exercising only shrinks them when you increase your activity levels. But, the fact is that there are some exercises in particular such as chest presses, arm presses and modified push ups that can be great for enlarging your breasts. You can seek guidance from a gym instructor and do these exercises for at least half an hour on a daily basis to reach the size you want.

Wear the right bra

Wearing a bra that’s too large or too small can actually distort the size of your breasts and make them appear smaller than they actually are. You should invest in a bra that gives your breasts a lift. Bear in mind that poorly-sized bras can also be extremely uncomfortable. Bras should not flatten your breasts or allow them to hang loosely; their function is to lift the breasts and offer support. You can also create the illusion of bigger breasts by wearing padded bras.


This is regarded as one of the most effective home remedies for enlarging your breasts. If you use olive oil regularly for massaging your breasts, they will appear firm and soft. In addition, the use of olive oil on the breasts is also known to reduce the risk of breast cancer. You can also use a good breast enhancement cream, such as Natural full. It will stimulate the blood flow and increase circulation, which stretches the tissues and makes the breasts appear firm and big.

Apply onion juice

Another home remedy that you can use for increasing breast size and firming up sagging breasts is to combine onion juice with honey and turmeric and apply the mixture on your breasts. It is best to apply this before going to sleep and washing it off in the morning with lukewarm water.

These natural ways can be extremely useful as long as you use them regularly.